Nick Bonehill defended X, a 14 year old accused of attempted murder within school grounds. After Nick successfully...
Nick Bonehill, instructed by Aqsa Farooq and Elisha Turner of JSP solicitors, secured the acquittal at Basildon Crown...
Nick Bonehill, instructed by Paul Block of Levy & Co Solicitors, was successful in securing the acquittal of a...
Nick’s client was acquitted of rape, sexual assault and 4 counts of threats to kill following a 7 day trial at...
Nick Bonehill represented RC in the Bristol Crown court who was charged with 6 separate conspiracies to supply class A...
Members of 2 Bedford Row successfully represented a number of company directors facing one of the largest ever Trading...
Nick Bonehill, instructed by Laura Smith of Cartwright King, secured the acquittal of a soldier at a Court Martial In...
Did you know in 1888 Eliza Orme was the first woman to gain a law degree? Or that it was only in 1919 when the Sex...
Christine Agnew QC and Nick Bonehill acted for Lillo Troisi who pleaded Guilty to Manslaughter and Arson. Mr Troisi was...