David Patience and Claire Mawer, instructed by David Nicholson, Jennifer Warburton and Alexander Nicholson-Thorpe of Dobsons Solicitors, acted for husband and wife former prison governors, acquitted of various offences under the Computer Misuse Act 1990, relating to computer searches undertaken on the ‘NOMIS’ prison computer system. David’s client was accused of conducting a number of unauthorized searches on prisoners, at the behest of another ex-prisoner and on one occasion, asking his wife, Claire’s client, to do the same. Both defendants were found not guilty of all counts following a 10-day trial. Read press reports here:
· https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cwyj9dn59eeo
· https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cx24y9gee19o
Cases | 24 Sep 24
David Patience
Claire Mawer
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