Michael Levy, instructed by Conrad Gadd, successfully defended a police officer for assault in the execution of his...
Michael Levy, instructed by Natasha Green of Rustem Guardian Solicitors, successfully represented the principal...
The jury unanimously acquitted defendants represented by three members of chambers in a momentous hijacking case...
Michael Levy leading Lucy Sweetland, instructed by Paul Cameron of Bark & Co., represented the only defendant to be...
Michael Levy (instructed by Levy & Co) defended a client charged with murder. The client, had picked up his dying...
Michael Levy represented an officer cadet in respect of Assault charges at a Court Martial in Bulford. The cadet was...
Michael Levy successfully represented a woman in respect of a number of charges of fraud. It was alleged that she had...
On 21st September Her Honour Judge Henson QC sitting with two lay magistrates refused Mr Chappell's appeal against...
On 23rd February Dominic Chappell was sentenced for refusing to comply with 3 section 72 Pensions Act 2004 requests...