All of us at 2 Bedford Row are delighted that Mark has been appointed to the Circuit Bench. Mark will be sitting at Kingston Crown Court from 20 December 2023. Mark has been in Chambers for his whole career, including pupillage. His career at the Bar was spectacularly successful, both defending and prosecuting. As well as a thriving criminal practice, he developed a successful sports law practice, where he was able to combine his passion for cricket with the law. Having taken silk in 2006 he acted in numerous high profile cases in every area of his practice.
He served on the management committee for more than a decade and as Deputy Head of Chambers for 4 years. During the pandemic Mark, as head of the Wellness Committee, showed typical but remarkable commitment and devotion to the care of others. He selflessly gave his own time, unstintingly, ungrudgingly and, of course, freely. Mark is a dear friend to all of us and we will miss him enormously but our loss is Kingston Crown Court’s gain and no doubt this means that his wife, Sybella, will see more of him. Our warmest good wishes and bon voyage from all of us.
News | 8 Dec 23
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